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Black Frankincense - Oman - (cleaned & sorted) - 2 oz.

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Black Frankincense, Boswellia sacra - 

These are ready to use small pea size pieces, perfect to just pop on the heater or charcoal. We carefully break up the large hunks  of this delicious dark sticky Frank and spray them with a mist Oman Frankincense essential oil.

If you love Frankincense you need to try this one....Highly recommended. 

Black Frankincense (Luban Aswad) from the Dhofar region of Oman.

The scent is wonderful, a spicey orange with sweet balsamic pine notes. It has an earthy, rough, dark appearance in contrast with the bright white hougari, but in fragrance it right up there with the white. 

Some fascinating thoughts on black frankincense and where it grows from Trygve Harris (of Enfleurage) in Oman.

“These trees are my personal favorites--they are stout and wise yet still approachable. I call my favorite grove the Old Lady trees because that\'s how they seem to me.The scent, as you know, has a spicy orange pine sparkle, bright and happy and purely Dhofari, quite unrelated to the lemony notes of Somali. 

I think maybe the reason this is stickier and gooier might have to do with it coming from very high humidity areas. Most of the other frankincenses come from a little drier areas. 

The road that bisects the home of these trees, the road to Yemen, and the mountains themselves are called \"The mountains of the Moon. This is because these cliffs soar so high that to be on top of them was surely coming close to the moon! But I think it also has to do with the strange landscape--the limestone, the rocks, the bizarre vegetation......they could be from another planet. I certainly don\'t relish being there as darkness comes. The whole area is inhabited by djinn. Salalah is a center for magic, and Djinn and witches are pretty common. But you can see how the rocks could come alive in your mind even without the magic. ”



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