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Cedar Chest - Fine Aromatic woods

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A scent of fine woods and fond memories…

 Antique Camphor and Cedar aromas with Himalayan Juniper and Kua Myrrh and Chios Mastic. I have always longed to recreate the scent of an old hope chest, deep woody notes with hints of camphor and time. The scent memory of my Grandmother opening her old camphor chest her father brought from China, filled with souvenirs and treasures and an aroma I will never forget. 

 After many years of experimenting, I think “Cedar Chest “ has captured it. When woods are burned alone they tend to be smoky, but when carefully blended and held by soft resins and essential oils, with a  pinch of the finest Borneo Camphor the result is wonderful, like Grandma’s chest.

 This blend is perfect anytime and a teaspoon on the heater will last all day, filling the room not with perfume or forest notes but clean warm aromatic woods. 

This blend is best experienced on an Electric Heater like Golden Lotus at a higher Temp, about 250 C

1 oz comes in an amber jar


My camphor chest

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