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Forest Kyphi for The Old Gods - Esprit de la Nature



A cooling, deep, dark forest blend smelling of resinous conifers, green mosses, and rich moist humus

An untraditional, Kyphi-process incense for connecting with our wild, animist soul or when we need healing, forest-bathing and it is not possible to visit the great tree spirits.


Ingredients: Resins: wildcrafted Red and Black Spruce, wildcrafted Balsam Fir, Pinyon Pine, wildcrafted Poplar Buds, Dark Frankincense, Opoponax, Mastic, Labdanum, Balsam of Peru. Botanicals:  wildcrafted Red Spruce Needles, wildcrafted Balsam Fir Needles, wildcrafted Tree Moss, Spikenard root, and Patchouli leaves from the garden.  Woods:  wildcrafted Cedar, Gonystylus, Agarwood.  Extracts: Balsam Fir, Hemlock, and in-house Castoreum.  Bound with raisins soaked in deep red wine.



  After many years in the forest, I have come to realize that every tree, pond, rock, stream, and plant has an animate soul within it worthy of being honored.  Together, they form the forest system which, as a complex entity, which also has profound wisdom and an ability to communicate and react.  The nature spirits speak through the fluttering of leaves, the movement of water, the aromas of their parts.  They communicate their will by the reflection of light on a pond or the forest floor, and the appearance of animals, plants, and fungi.  They use wind, rain, and snow to enact their judgments. These “Old Gods” have no desire to be worshipped, but rather to be acknowledged in the form of prayers, dance, ritual, or meditation.  They enjoy forming relationships with all beings.  When we enter a forest, we unconsciously begin to sync our body’s rhythms with the vibration of that particular place.  We become part of the ecosystem, making meeting the old gods easier. They begin to know us and help us.  They have very few rules but a respect for nature and to enter the forest with an open heart. When I walk through a forest, I can feel the sacred space that is created.  It is a living cathedral.  We bring back this transcendent feeling, along with their silent teachings and healing, by smelling their fragrant breath and remembering them.



“Forest Kyphi for The Old Gods” is presented in a large ball, rolled in conifer needles and stardust.  The ball is the equivalent of ten Kyphi pellets.  Aging incense made using the Kyphi process, makes its aroma get better and better.  Keeping the incense dough in a larger mass facilitates this aging alchemy, as it keeps the Kyphi dough moister, rather than storing it in smaller pellets.  Also, for this wilder Kyphi, as opposed to the very sophisticated and civilized Egyptian Kyphi, I like the idea of using your hands or a knife to cleave off a portion to put on the fire of the incense heater.


This price is for 2 Forest Kyphi Balls (20 servings) Nested in a bed of dried Forest Moss and Conifer needles




From Katlyn: This a green incense masterpiece!  Just opening the jar is an enlivening experience. Thank you Be....The Old Gods are pleased.


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